Wednesday, March 15, 2017

  • March 15, 2017
  • askshrinivas
வாய்வுப் பிடிப்பு, சுளுக்கு..!

வாய்வுப் பிடிப்பு, சுளுக்கு இந்த இரண்டுக்கும் சித்த வைத்தியத்தில் முழுமையான நிவாரணம் இருக்கு. இதுக்கான மருத்துவத்தைப் பார்க்கலாம்.

ஒரு கைப்பிடி முடக்கத்தான் இலையை எடுத்து, 3 டம்ளர் தண்ணியில் போட்டுக் கொதிக்க வைக்கணும். அதை அரை டம்ளரா சுண்ட வச்சு பெரியவங்களுக்குத் தரலாம். சின்னக் குழந்தைகளுக்கு அரை பாலாடை கொடுத்தாப் போதும். ஒருமுறை இதைச் சாப்பிட்டு வந்தாலே பிரச்னை சரியாகிடும்.

மேல சொன்ன மருந்தைச் சாப்பிடுறதோட, இப்ப சொல்லப் போற வைத்தியங்களில் எது முடியுதோ அதைச் செய்ய சுளுக்கும் வாய்வுப் பிடிப்பும் ஓடியே போயிடும்.

5 கிராம் முருங்கைப்பட்டை, ஒரு கணு சுக்கு, புளியங்கொட்டை அளவு பெருங்காயம், ஒரு டீஸ்பூன் கடுகு எடுத்து, தண்ணி விட்டு அரைச்சு, கூழான பதத்துல கரண்டியில வச்சு சூடு காட்டணும். பின் இளஞ்சூட்டில் அதை சுளுக்கோ, வாய்வுப் பிடிப்போ இருக்குற இடத்துல 'பத்து'ப் போடணும். இதை இராத்திரியில போட்டு, காலையில கழுவிடணும்.

தழுதாளை இரண்டு கைப்பிடி அளவு எடுத்து, நாலு லிட்டர் தண்ணியில் போட்டுக் கொதிக்க வைக்கணும். இந்தத் தண்ணியை இளஞ்சூடாக ஆறவிட்டு, வாய்வுப் பிடிப்பு இருக்குற இடத்துல் தினமும் ஊற்ற வேண்டும்.

வாதநாராயணன் இலையும் இதுமாதிரிக் கோளாறுகளைச் சரி பண்ணும். வாதநாராயணன் இலையை ஒரு கைப்பிடி எடுத்து, அதைப் பச்சையா அரைச்சு, வாய்வுப் பிடிப்பு/சுளுக்கு இருக்குற இடத்துல பத்துப் போட்டு 3 மணி நேரம் கழிச்சுக் கழுவணும்.

சுளுக்கு/வாய்வுப் பிடிப்புக்கு இந்த மூணுமே நல்ல மருந்து!

அடிபட்டதால சில பேருக்கு உள்ளுக்குள்ள வீக்கம் இருக்கும். நடக்கவே கஷ்டப்படுவாங்க.. அப்படிப்பட்டவங்களுக்கு அற்புதமான மருந்து குன்றிமணி. காய்ஞ்ச குன்றிமணி விதைகளை இரண்டு ஸ்பூன் அளவு எடுத்து, தோலை எடுத்துட்டு, பருப்பை மட்டும் தண்ணியில் ஊற வைக்கணும். காலையில் ஊற வச்சதை சாயங்காலம் எடுத்து அரைச்சு, இரும்புக் கரண்டியில சுட வைக்கணும்.

பிறகு, இதை வீக்கம் உள்ள இடத்தில், இளஞ்சூட்டில் தினமும் இராத்திரி பத்துப் போடணும். இதை நாலு நாள் தேய்ச்சாலே வலியும் வீக்கமும் சரியாகிடும். தேவைப்பட்டால் ஒரு வாரம் கழிச்சுத் திரும்பவும் இதே வைத்தியத்தைச் செய்யலாம்.

சுளுக்கு, அடிபட்ட வீக்கம் இந்த இரண்டுக்கும் பிரண்டை நல்ல மருந்து. ஒரு கணு பிரண்டை, சிறு துண்டு மஞ்சள், கால் ஸ்பூன் உப்பு, புளியங்கொட்டை அளவு புளி எடுத்து, நல்லா அரைச்சு, சுட வச்சு, கூழ் பதமானதும் இளஞ்சூட்டுல் பூசி வந்தா நல்ல சுகம் கிடைக்கும்.

Monday, February 20, 2017

  • February 20, 2017
  • askshrinivas
How to make Amla Candy

  • Wash the Amla under running water.
  • Boil water in large vessel and add Amla in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Leave them in boiling water for 5 minutes (switch off the flame).
  • Drain the water and cut the Amla in four pieces, remove the seeds.
  • Put these pieces of Amla in large vessel, pour sugar over them, cover the vessel and keep it aside for 3 days.
  • On the very first day you notice that sugar is turn into syrup and the Amla pieces will be floating in the syrup. Stir the syrup and keep it aside for more two days.
  • After two days Amla pieces will settles down. Sieve the Amla pieces and put them in sunlight to dry for 2 – 3 days till it turns brown in color.
  • Coat the sun dried candies with powdered sugar and store the freshly prepared candies in airtight container.

Useful tip:

  • Do not throw the sugar syrup; as you can prepare tasty Amla Sharbat from it,
  • Boil this syrup for till it becomes quite thick. Store the syrup after cooling in a glass jar and refrigerate. To prepare Amla juice mix 2 tbsp of Amla squash with enough water and ice cubes to get refreshing Amla Sharbat.
  •  Boil this syrup for till it becomes quite thick. Store the syrup after cooling in a glass jar and refrigerate. To prepare Amla juice mix 2 tbsp of Amla squash with enough water and ice cubes to get refreshing Amla Sharbat.Boil this syrup for till it becomes quite thick. Store the syrup after cooling in a glass jar and refrigerate. To prepare Amla juice mix 2 tbsp of Amla squash with enough water and ice cubes to get refreshing Amla Sharbat.
Disclaimer: This website and all of its contents are for informational purposes only. Do not take anything here as medical advice. Always consult with your doctor first. You must read and agree to the disclaimer before you attempt to use any of the information here

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

  • February 15, 2017
  • askshrinivas
The normal level of hemoglobin in blood is 14-18 mg/dl for men &
12-16 mg/dl for women.

Intake of Dates and Pomegranates
Pomegranates are delicious. From kids to adults everyone enjoys them very much. This fruit is one natural source of Vitamin A, C, E, folic acid and iron. It contains three times of antioxidants of green tea. By taking this delicious fruit in any form will increase the supply of iron in blood and helps in reducing the symptoms of low Hemoglobin (HB) level in the blood.
Dates are favorites of everyone too! The tempting dates attract all and are enjoyed by all. Dates or dried dates are considered to be extremely nutritious. Along with iron, they contain potassium, calcium, magnesium, Vitamin A and Vitamin B. Dates can boost your energy level as well.

Add Beetroot in your daily food
Beetroot is an appropriate source of iron. About one cup sliced beetroot will give you 1.1 mg of iron. You can eat beetroot in various forms like salads, beetroot juice, grated beetroot along with other vegetables like potatoes and green beans.
A plain beetroot juice for 20 days can tremendously improve the hemoglobin level, which is tested by me personally. Alternatively, you can enjoy a mixed salad of fresh vegetables which includes carrot, cucumber and onion along with grated beetroot.

Eating Watermelon
Watermelon is one of the most refreshing, thirst quenching fruit available year round. Watermelon is not only delicious but also is very nutritious. Studies have shown that deep red, juicy watermelons have displaced the tomato as the lycopene king.
Its juice can also be used to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy, along with beetroot and pomegranate juice.
FYI: Lycopene is fat-soluble, meaning that it needs certain fats in the blood for better absorption by the body. Watermelon consists of 92% of water and 8% of sugar.
The fruit provides iron along with high levels of proteins, carbohydrates, potassium, Vitamin C and Vitamin B. Regularly eating this delicious and juicy fruit will boost your energy level and stamina.

Eating Yogurt, Broccoli
Yogurt is extremely rich in calcium. Due to its preparation process, this dietary staple contains more calcium than the milk, from which it is made. Global Health Body results say that, 8-ounce (250 grams) serving of low-fat yogurt provides a 42 percent of your daily calcium needs.
Of all the non-dairy sources of calcium, Broccoli is second to leafy vegetables; it contains 80mg of calcium. Broccoli isn’t only for bone-health; it is an excellent source of Vitamin C, fiber and nutrients. You can make use of broccoli in Pasta or in Salads.

Fresh Green Leafy Vegetables
Leafy vegetables are great source of iron and calcium. We have been told thousands of times by our parents to have some green vegetables, and they were right for a reason. Fresh green vegetables like Spinach (Palak), Fenugreek Leaves (Methi) and beans can be used in our daily diet to balance the level of calcium as well as haemoglobin.
Lentils like daal, rajma, sesame seeds (til) are other good source of iron. Grains like barley, rice, semolina, bajra, maize can also be included. Dry fruits like Almonds (Badaam), dried peaches or raisins are the best source of iron for you. If you prefer eating Non vegetarian items, meat and fish are also rich in iron and calcium.

Vitamin C Rich Foods
Vitamin C rich food helps the body to absorb iron from the food. Low level hemoglobin due to deficiency of vitamin C can be corrected by proper intake of Vitamin C rich fruits like Oranges, strawberries, guava, kiwi, papaya and grapefruit. You can also enjoy them together by making delicious, lip-smacking juices or mixed fruit salad.
If your hemoglobin count is low because your body is not producing sufficient red blood cells, then you could be deficient in folic acid (B-Complex vitamin that is required to make red blood cells).  Sources of folic acid include lentils, dried beans, peas, sprouts, pineapple, peanuts etc.
FYI: If you are having more of Vitamin C sources, then you have to increase the intake of folic acid rich food in your daily diet.
Another way is to add dried herbs to your diet which will also help in increasing the absorption of iron. Especially, spearmint leaves (Pudina), Basil leaves (Tulsi), coriander (Dhania), bay leaf may be helpful.

Increasing Legumes in your daily diet
All types of Legumes are best plant foods, enriched with iron. Legumes include soya nuts, red kidney beans, chickpeas, black-eyed peas, black beans, lentils, fava beans.
Eating Legumes in your daily diet will gradually improve your iron level and help to energize you. Women having gas problems should limit their legumes consumption to 3 times a week.
Pumpkin seeds
There are lots of reasons to eat pumpkin seeds. They are not only rich in iron but also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and zinc. One-fourth cup of pumpkin seeds contains 8.6mg of iron. The better way to eat them is as it is, raw, or you can also add them in salad and eat.
It has been seen that comparatively, vegetarian sources of iron is less readily absorbed, so vegetarians, especially pre-menopausal females should take slightly higher intake of iron. The above mentioned food along with foods that contains Vitamin C will be more helpful for curing iron deficiency.
FYI: While taking iron supplements and iron-rich foods, you have to avoid intake of certain food items, which affect the body’s ability to absorb iron. These iron-blockers include tea, coffee, food rich in fiver, food with high level of calcium (Like milk, cheese, chocolate).

If you consume above mentioned food items in proper proportion, you can increase your hemoglobin and calcium naturally, within 2 to 3 weeks as tested by me. It may vary from 2 weeks to over a month for different body types.
Never take any medicines, pills or drugs which guarantee you an increase in hemoglobin and calcium. They are artificial and just temporary. Do not fall for them!
Enjoy these iron and calcium rich foods, and improve calcium and hemoglobin. These foods to increase hemoglobin will also work during pregnancy and for men as well. How to increase haemoglobin using simple home remedies is probably a solved question now I believe.

Red Meat

When we look at foods that can boost your haemoglobin we are looking for rich iron content. When it comes to red meat, you will find heme iron (or iron that is well absorbed) and the best part about it is that it can be easily absorbed in the intestine. But let's not go binge on red meat, you don’t want to be down with cardiovascular disease that could result from overeating or higher fat content. As with all else, a balanced diet is the key here.

Beetroot, palak or spinach, green peas, rajma or kidney beans, cabbage, turnip, sweet potato and cauliflower are some vegetables that are easily available in the Indian market. If you have access to imported veggies try out broccoli, lima beans, collards and black beans. Beetroot is the best natural remedy to boost blood count, it has the ability to regenerate iron content and activates red blood cells, supplying fresh oxygen to the blood.


- Raisins, prunes, dried figs, apricots, apples, grapes and watermelons not only get the red blood cells flowing but also improve the blood count. Citrus fruits like oranges, amla or Indian gooseberry, lime and grapefruit help to attract iron. They play a very important role in increasing blood count.


- Some of us like them, some don’t; but all nuts have some amount of iron in them. The king of all nuts with the highest iron content is the humble almond. One ounce of almonds every day provides 6% of iron. Dry fruits and nuts can be purchased from any provision store in cities and towns. In fact, the good news is that almonds are the cheapest of all the other nuts and dry fruits available to us; a definite sign that Mother Nature does care.

Breads, Pasta, Cereals

- Check the labels on wholegrain breads, pastas, and cereals; Each pack must contains 20% or more of the daily value for iron. Whole grains offer many health benefits for which everyone must try to incorporate them into their daily diets. Here’s one more reason to continue doing so, whole grain is a rich source in iron.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

  • January 25, 2017
  • askshrinivas

Driving Instructions

Before Enter into the Car, Walk Around:
Check Air level
Fuel Leakage
Check any Pet animals under the Car

After Enter into the Car you should check 10 points:
Insert the Key
Press Clutch down and seat to be adjusted for your convenient
Seat belt to be fixed
Mirror to be adjusted
Check gears in Neutral
Check Hand brake is ON
Clutch Pedal is fully down & start the Engine
Check all the Doors are locked.

To Move the Car:
Select 1st Gear
Hand Brake OFF
Check Instrument Panel whether all the lights are OFF
Put the Right Indicator
Come to the BITING Point & Move the Car

To Stop the Car:
Put the Left Indicator
Clutch Pedal Fully down & Press the Brake to STOP
Hand Brake ON (Means Lift it UP)
Come to Neutral

What is Biting Point?
In the 1st Gear release the clutch pedal slowly and smoothly where the Car moves is called as Biting point.

Clutch Pedal:
Clutch Fully down & Start the Engine
Clutch Fully down & Change the Gear
Clutch Fully down & press the brake to Stop
Brake Pedal:
Is used to Slow down and Stop

Accelerator Pedal
Is used to increase or decrease the speed of vehicle
To control its movement one should support heel on floor and operate with TOE

Steering wheel:
Use both hands either quarter to three or ten to two as per your convenience
Two rounds in the left side , two rounds in the right side
Try to learn one third method , to straight the vehicle in Practical

Gear Shift Lever:
Gears are provided to improve the ability of engine to pull the vehicle, when you want to start rolling the vehicle use 1st gear depends upon the speed, you should change the gear

How to change the Gear
Clutch fully down
Then change the Gear
Release the clutch pedal smoothly
And then give accelerate

Gear Ratio:
0 to 10 km Speed           – 1st Gear
10 to 20 km Speed         – 2nd Gear
20 to 30 km Speed         – 3rd Gear
30 to 40 km Speed         – 4th Gear
40 km Speed & Above     – 5th Gear

Some Useful Warning / Information Indicators

  • *    If Car is parked in Hot sun always, We can use Taplon Coating
  • *    Overtaking should be done with 2nd / 3rd Gear
  • *    FIR is must incase of accident Claims
  • *    Tyre should change 3years / 60,000Km whichever comes first.

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